Tuesday, October 10, 2006

John Lennon/Dimebag Darrell Tribute

25 years ago tonight a light was extinguished and a generation lost one of its greatest musicians. 24 years after that, to the very day, the next generation experienced the same thing.

John Lennon and “Dimebag” Darrell Abbott were undoubtedly two of the greatest musicians of their respective times. Though their music styles varied greatly each one had its own effect on the people as well as the culture of this world.

The Bands these two great musicians played in were arguably the most influential of their eras. The Beatles brought us rock and roll and Pantera made it loud. Without them we would not have music as we know it today.

Each is being remembered in their own separate ways. Fans in New York City commemorated Lennon’s death by holding silent vigils tonight while Dimebag is being honored with an upcoming tribute CD featuring contributions from a number of well-known musicians from within the metal community.

I know, this item is not news. It’s a tribute to two of the greatest musicians of all time.


1 comment:

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