Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Weekly Marijuana Crop Report, May 20th

First off I would like to thank the hordes of anonymous stoners from all over the world that made the continuation of this report possible. I would also like to welcome the readers of goldenseed.co.uk to the growing list of sites this column is now reaching. To the rest of you, welcome back. Here’s hoping last week was a stony one. Now, without further crap from the writer, on with the report.

We will start with Australia. A quick stoner fact about the land down under; they refer to bowls as “cones”. Armed with that knowledge, in Western Australia you should be able to pick up an ounce for 250$-300$ depending on the quality. You can pick up a 1/16, which the natives call a “stick” for around 20$-25$. Out on the east coast the prices are a tad bit higher whereas they are paying $300 and up for an ounce, while the prices in the South Australian grow capital of Adelaide have been reported as being 25$ for a 2.5 gram sack and 200$ per ounce with no real change for different qualities. However, I am told that the bud is usually “pretty kind.”

In keeping with the international theme, we move on to our brothers in the UK. Down in the south west of the great city of London I’m hearing the prices are holding pretty steady at 20 pounds for an 1/8. Droughts are rare but a stoner close to the action says it can be tougher to find weights over an ounce. Down around Waymouth, sources tell me it is 25 pounds for the crappy stuff and 35 for something more decent. I am told that buying in any kind of weight down that way is pointless because of the quality of the stuff that is going around. However, for those who are buying in bulk right under the queens nose, your looking at paying anywhere from 120-150 pounds per ounce.

Down the road in Dublin things are a tad bit different. They smoke mostly hash, as the grass over there is expensive. The homegrown herb is going for 250 to 300 per ounce, while the Amsterdam import will cost you upwards of 350 per ounce. Compare that to the hash prices; “Rocky”, which is the most commonly smoked, is going for 80 to 120 an ounce, while Pollum and Leb, the good shit, can be found at 150-180 per ounce. I always liked the hash better myself anyways.

Heading back to the states, I have it on good authority that Philly is going through somewhat of a drought as of late due to the fact that a lot of product has been stopped at the border. BC is scarce due to the new technology the feds are using. Also, with the Canadian dollar nearly the same as the US dollar, I have heard rumors of guys getting “price fucked” on their weight. However, despite that, I hear the headies coming in from Cali are still holding down the real smokers. While it is still possible, however improbable, to get BC’s at $220-$250 a zone, the Shwagg is going for $40-$50 an ounce, all depending on who you know.

I also promised that I would give a shout out to my boys back in my home region of Southern Cali. My peeps tell me really good shit is going for 40$ an 1/8. However, if you know Southern California like I do, you know there is always some killer, killer shit going around somewhere. I’m told that stuff is going for 60$ an 1/8 and is not to be messed with. Shwagg prices are probably the lowest in the country, with ounces being passed down for a mere 40$. Let’s be real though, anyone buying shwagg in SoCal with all the kills going around should have their head examined.

A lot of info rolled in from Arizona this week as well. The desert stoners are paying around 60 an 1/8 for hydro, though I am told that better stuff can be found farther north in Vegas. I did hear a bit about some really bomb shit going around the valley of the sun for 50$ an 1/8. In the lower categories, a quarter of shwagg is going for $20 up north and 15$ down south, with 30$ halfs. As always, the closer you get to Mexico, the better the prices will be.

We end this week’s article with a very promising report out of Ecuador, where you can still get a pound for 30$. While my source down there is not so sure of the quality, at those prices who really cares? For Christ sakes, you could build a house of weed and smoke yourself silly for the rest of your life on only a few thousand extra bucks. We can always dream.

That’s it for this week, if you didn’t see your region listed, stay tuned, it’s a big world, and there is a lot more of it to cover. Trust that I will not rest until I see every region represented. As always, all emails are appreciated to xxoozero@shoutwire.com and as always, all are completely confidential.


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