Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Happy Memorial Day ShoutWire

Today, in America, we pay tribute to our soldiers. No doubt the rest of the world will use this time to protest and generally be ungrateful for everything we have done for them. American flags will be burned, Uncle Sam will be blasphemized, and the memories of legions of good men who died for the safety of those in other countries will be trampled completely.

Here in the states, we will have BBQ’s, family outings, and the day off work. Half of our own country has little to no idea what the meaning behind all the celebrations going on today truly is. For millions of kids, it is just a reason to get out of school. Millions of adults are using it as just another excuse to get drunk on a Monday.

This is just a short article to urge all you fucks, hippies and conservatives, to put down your beers and martinis for a second and remember why we are not working today. Give just one silent minute to the soldiers who gave their lives in service of our great nation. Every man who served from the revolutionary war to the latest debacle in Iraq deserves this one minute of your time. If you are an American, you owe it to them. Also, if you are European, you owe them the very same thing. Remember, some of these guys died protecting your countries.

Anyways, happy Memorial Day ShoutWire. I’m off to get drunk.

Oh yeah, preemptive warning to all you terrorist fucks who always like to bash America. You will receive a week long ban for pulling your crap here. If you have something negative to say, this isn’t the place.


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